The Cards

Each card in our oracle decks features an illustration that allows for individual interpretation and exploration. Every time a card is drawn, it presents an opportunity to discover new meanings and explore the environments within oneself or one's surroundings. Along with the illustrations, each card is accompanied by practical suggestions for connecting with the mind, body, energy of a space, or items within the space. These practices are fully described in the guidebook that comes with the deck, require no special tools, and can be done in any space at any time. Some of the practices are also beneficial when done simply as a visualization. The practices draw inspiration from various modalities and areas of study, including Tai Chi, Qigong, Pilates, Yoga, Reiki, Meditation, Feng Shui, Wicca, and Quantum physics.

The Character

The Character featured on the cards of the original Hear Here deck represents our most authentic and true self, serving as a guide through the space within. The multifaceted head of the Character symbolizes the complexity of being human. Additionally, the feather on the card is a nod to the adventurous spirit of the Fool card in the Tarot, as we felt a similar sense of excitement and wonder as we embarked on the journey of creating these cards.


Our Values

-Creating tools that bring joy and offer opportunities for self-care.

-Using minimalist and eco-friendly materials and packaging for the good of the planet.

-Working with local vendors in order to support our community in the Pacific Northwest, and reduce our carbon footprint.

-Giving back. It is part of why we do this work. We regularly donate to various non-profit organizations and to our local community.

-Committing to social justice and anti-racism. We continue to listen and learn. We are dedicated to personal work as well as using our platform for healing.

-Acknowledging that the area of the Pacific Northwest where we live and work is traditionally home to the Squaxin Island, Skokomish, and many other tribes and bands of the Puget Sound regions.

-Deeply honoring the traditions, teachers, ancestors, and elders who have come before us and shared their ways of connecting to the body, mind, space, and collective. It is through their knowledge and teachings that we draw inspiration for the creation of these cards. In ritual, we pay homage to these individuals and their contributions, recognizing the importance of their work and the impact it has had on our lives and the lives of others. Their wisdom and guidance continue to inform and guide us as we create tools for mindfulness and self-care.


About us


We first crossed paths while working at a creative agency in Portland, Oregon. To help us stay grounded and present after long days of meetings and computer work, we made it a point to take walks together. During these walks, we delved into the topic of mindfulness at length. We also discussed collaborating on a creative project, which led us to combine our talents and interests to create an oracle deck. Our goal for the deck was to develop a mindfulness tool that could aid in fostering care, connection, and awareness in our fast-paced lives.



If you have interest in placing a wholesale order, please feel free to email us or check us out on Faire.